Forest Manor Raisson Blu Hotel Shanghai
Forest Manor site is 120,000㎡ in size. It is located in the Minhang District of Shanghai. Our scope of work included the design of the master plan, the architectural design of 14 residential towers, 5-star hotel, club, entertainment building, and kindergarten.
The south perimeter of the site is bordered by the creek. The hotel and clubhouse are located at the southwest corner of the site at the main entrance to the development. The form of the hotel is curvilinear to provide protection from the road noise and direct the views more to the interior of the landscaped environment. The kindergarten is located at the southeast corner of the site to easily accommodate the residential towers, as well as the nearby community.
The club building is connected to the hotel at the lower level and takes advantage of the beautiful sunken area which will have an outdoor pool and lush landscaping. The plaza is located between the hotel and the club to afford access and views from both side.
The residential towers are located to the north of the hotel and are separated from the hotel by the main entrance road and heavy landscaping. The layout of the residential units takes advantage of views and southern exposure for the living rooms and bedrooms. The architectural style for the hotel and club building is a combination of classically inspired Spanish with Rahj influences as well as European classical. The goal was to create a high-end residential environment offering the residents all the amenities and comforts that come with a modern lifestyle.
50000 m2
Planning Architecture Landscape Design
Forest Manor Real Estate Group
2005 – 2010